Download dkc 64
Download dkc 64

download dkc 64

Most of the time, items are optional to collect. For every 25,000 points, the player earns an extra life. The amount of time remaining when a level is completed is converted into points and also added to the score. The game presents a score that increases with the items collected along the way. If level 10 is completed, the player is shown a screen saying "Congratulations! You Finished All The Levels". If all lives are lost before completing all 10 levels, the player has to start the game over. This leads to a screen which prepares the player for the next level. Once there, the barrel turns upright and reveals its bananas in front of DK, who rejoices by beating his chest. The end of a level is signalled by a checkerboarded section, where Donkey Kong awaits the barrel.

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Walls and ambiental objects, such as shrubs, have no bearing on the barrel's condition, although some palm trees shake when bumped into, and, in level 5, such trees produce coconuts that can damage the barrel. The barrel also has perceptible weight, which causes movement to be more difficult on slanted paths, or increase the amount of damage taken by the barrel in relation to the fall distance.

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When the energy bar is completely drained, the barrel breaks open and loses a life, respawning at the starting point with the timer reset. The barrel can take damage if it bumps into an enemy or falls from a height onto the ground, and will instantly lose all of its energy should it end up in a bottomless pit or a river stream. The player has a set amount of time to reach the finish, which varies from level to level. Every level starts out on a spot marked by a red cross and the barrel initially has a full energy bar (taking the form of a banana, labelled "DAMAGE"). At the beginning of the game, the player is given 5 lives.

Download dkc 64