If you're DYING to play it, $20 is a good deal. I bought KH3 full price, beat it and then traded it in because I have no intention of playing it again. I've played KH1 + KH2 at least 2 or 3 times each.

Overall it just wasn't that great of a game, especially for it to be coming out SO long after the 2nd one (i know there have been spinoffs) the end product still felt.incomplete and rushed.

The graphics aren't much better than PS3 era either, except for the pirates of the carribean level which looked BEAUTIFUL and was my favorite level in the game. The overall story just really isn't there until the last 5 hours or so, by that point I really didn't even care anymore and just wanted to finish the game. The combat wasn't all that challenging, I'm not a glutton for punishment so I have no desire to try the ultra insane modes, but playing it on normal I didn't die once, whereas KH1 and 2 I def died a few times during some of the late game bosses. Submit a new deal Submit a question/PSA Reddit New Deals Popular Deals Meta